Sunday, April 3, 2011

to market to market

This morning, I felt very energetic:) (Hurray to hopefully knowing what's wrong with me and knowing how to fix it!!!) I went down the street to do my laundry and forgot that it was also market Sunday. I fought the crowds of people on the sidewalk to get my laundry in the washer before going out and doing some shopping myself!

The market seems to have grown with the coming of warm weather. There were more vendors, selling everything from fruits, veggies, clams, rotisserie chickens, and boxed cereal to knick-knacks, mattresses, and clothes. There were more people too- families, little old women, teens, screaming kids, cute kids, parents telling kids not to touch things, dogs, and lots of singing market people, yelling out prices and deals. Despite the sometimes overwhelming hustle and bustle, the smell of a market is delicious- the chickens and cheese, the fresh flowers, the produce, the bakery selling fresh bread- yum!

After walking around a bit looking at clothes, I decided I was too inexperienced at negotiating prices to know how to get a good deal. But I knew I would get a good deal on the produce and made sure to buy myself a chicken:) I figured I could sacrifice being followed by dogs and cats today for the extra iron!

Now I'm home to get ready for my week! Only 3 more teaching weeks to go! I'm in the home stretch- literally!

Reste cool:)

Some market pics- note the one I took of the old men standing off to the side... lol.

1 comment:

  1. Love these photos - you've captured something elegant about the 'every day'. Thanks for sharing.
