Saturday, September 25, 2010

Taking things into my own hands

After a minor melt down last night and a call to my momma, I decided that this whole "kind of having internet" thing isn't going to work for me. And the alternative to stealing the free wifi, is getting a real phone and internet plan, which includes free international calling and HGtv. Currently, I'm using my pay-as-you-go phone to call or text home, which is costing an arm and a leg, so getting a real deal all set up for only 30 euros a month is a win-win all-in-all.

So my plan for today was to go all over Lyon. Well that plan changed to calling Laurence first thing in the morning. Unfortunately for me, Laurence did not answer and her daughter Laura said she would call back in the afternoon. I guess they do have their own lives, but WHAT ABOUT ME? Of course, this morning the internet worked, so I looked up providers and locations to make it easier for when Laura could call me back. After a few hours of waiting around, cleaning my apartment, pouring over a few maps of Lyon, I decided it was time to take this into my own hands. So I texted Laura that I was going to have a go at for myself, and she texted back, I think I'm confused about what you want to do. LOL. So I guess it was a misunderstanding... but either way, I went on my way.

At first I thought there was a SFR store right in St. Priest. Well, there is not. So after walking around in a few circles, I decided to ask someone, and then someone else (because the first woman didn't have a clue about what I was talking about). Thankfully, the second woman (a nice little old woman in a patisserie) told me to hop on the tram (which I now know how to use thanks
to my adventures with Laura yesterday) and go to the Porte des Alpes. I blindly followed these directions in hopes that this SFR store would be very obviously located at the tram stop.

It turns out, Porte des Alpes is a mall, with an IKEA, a few restaurants with free wifi (yay backup plans), tons of cute shops, and the SFR! I got in line, said I'm sorry if my French is bad, but I'm American, and the woman said, Oh no problem, I have someone who speaks English. This man, did speak some English, but translating phone and internet service terms is no easy task. We went back and forth and for a while I thought- YES, it's going to happen! But, after
figuring out that I did not yet have a French credit card, I would not be able to attain the service after all. I did just open my account, so he said that there was a chance I had been given the RIB (some sort of identification code) and if I could go back home to get it, or stop by the bank to ask for it, I'd would be all set. Well- of course, I didn't have it in my documents, and the bank is closed during the weekend (I only know, because I walked across town to see). So, bringing what I did have with me, I went back to the SFR store just to see... but no luck. Alas, FRANCE-1, LINDSAY-0. But as Victor says, it's who wins the war, not each battle. So bring it on France. Bring it on. Come Monday, I shall have this so called RIB thingy I need, and Monday afternoon I will have completed the beginning of the 2 week process to achieve reliable internet. Until then, let's hope this free wifi plays nice.

So after my grueling defeat of battle #1 by myself, without a French person to hold my hand (Laura), I sat a cafe and ate a nice, warm crêpe au nutella and a coca-cola light (as they call diet coke). With my tummy full and my spirits a little higher, I decided since I was a few stop closer to Lyon, I might as well go into the city for an hour or so until my little legs could travel no more.

At first, I thought I'd just ride the tram all the way in and walk. After stepping foot off the tram, I decided I would immediately hop on the metro because my little legs weren't doing so well. New words to live by: If ye are not familiar with where ye are headed, thou shalt not wear cute
shoes, nay, ye shall wear sensible tennis shoes. Anyway, I got off the metro right into the heart of Lyon at the Place Bellecour. Although I have only been in Lyon once, for about a total of 5 hours with Leslie, I knew where I was. The statue of Louis XIV on a horse, churches in the distance, and a huge square in the middle of Lyon, covered in reddish pebbles. This time was different, yes, it's colder and the ferris wheel was gone, but for the first time I didn't feel the overwhelming feeling of having to figure out where I was because I had been here before.

Then my little legs started to feel a little perkier and I adventurously went off in search of the big, beautiful church, St. Jean. I could see it in the distance and headed in the right direction. I passed an interesting roller blade competition (guys weaving in and out of little cones to blasting American music). I passed chic little boutiques and remembered that Lyon is full of chic little boutiques- hurray! I went in one, looked at a price tag and walked right back out. I passed an adorable baby clothes shop, and took a picture to show you. I passed chic candy shops and cafes. And arrived at the church with the little fountain in front. After a few pictures, I decided I'd better start back since, although I had some sense of direction, I didn't bring my giant map with me to help if I got lost.
Ironically enough, on my way back to the Place Bellecour, I passed a book store and went in to see if they had any small detailed map books (I have one for Paris that was very discrete and handy on a daily basis). Sure enough, I found one. I also found copies of the French version of Twilight. No, I know what you're thinking, I didn't buy them (yet), but I did take pictures of them because they have different titles.

Anyway, I wound my way back to the metro, hopped on and felt like I could eat a cow. I guess this is why the French eat so much, with all the walking, a crepe for dinner isn't going to cut it. On the way home (about a 30 min. tram ride) I passed a McDo (McDonald's, pronounced MacDoe), and momentarily thought about hopping off for a nice juicy hamburger royale. But, I decided I better just hold off until I got home where I have a jar of nutella and grapes waiting for me in the fridge. Buff. (At least I think that now is an appropriate time to use this sound).

So, for now, I am content. I have internet back up plans until I get it all situated, a long-term plan in the making, and a tummy full of de-seeded grapes (I can only find grapes with seeds at my grocery store) and nutella, and a better understanding of the transportation system. Since I have a whole day to go before my plan of attack can being on Monday, I guess I'll have another go at touring Lyon, but this time I'll be wearing my chic, yet sensible puma trainers.

Reste cool mes amis! Tu me manques beaucoup!!! (I miss you guys!)


  1. Ps- Sorry some of the pictures didn't show up! I'll have to post again with pics later. Of course the internet logged me off right before I went to post and all of my typo corrections and last few pictures didn't make the save button. So, forgive my spelling errors and pray that the internet works long enough for pictures later:)

  2. Pace yourself Cherie - take care of those little legs. :-)

  3. Cute. Fun to hear of your adventures.
