Thursday, May 26, 2011

almost a month later...

Hello old blog followers! You still out there?

I can't believe that it was almost a month ago that I was packing my bags and getting ready for my last night in France! My- how time does fly! I'm sorry for such a long hiatus- but I've been a little all over the place trying to catch up with friends and family, working 5 days a week (with a 30 minute lunch break- oy vey!), preparing for my first ever big girl job interview, and preliminary wedding planning. It's been quite a month and I am about to have my first 3 day weekend. And I say merci! I need a break!

In general, home is starting to feel like home again... and I'm still so glad to be back. I do miss my French friends (I've heard from a few since being back), but I have enjoyed jumping back into ma vie américaine. There are times that I really miss speaking French, or that a French phrase just falls off the tongue more quickly than the English one. I love using French at school... and I think, although I'll be glad when June 21 rolls around, that this aspect of my current position will be something I greatly miss next year at the Elementary level. I definitely miss working with the younger age group (although I'm sure stepping into a middle school during standardized testing month and so near to the end of the year has something to do with their raucous behavior!); hopefully even with teaching the little ones I'll be able to work my French skills into my life somehow!

Speaking of which- I think I've decided to start a blog for my French friends. French speakers- you are welcome to follow me once I get that blog up and running:) It will be a way for me to continue using French and to keep in touch with mes amies!

Anywho- like I said, I had my first interview at a school very near to where I went to high school. It's actually the Elementary school that Victor went to as a child. It would be awesome to work there, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I'd be so lucky to land a job so early in my search... but I probably won't hear back for a while. Most other job postings won't be up until mid to late June, so I'm sort of in limbo until then.

In the meantime- we focused our energy on nailing our wedding date down and the reception site. We went to look at 2, knowing that we were pulling for the second- and bada bing, bada boom! We said we'll take it! We're going to have our wedding reception at the Masonic Memorial in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia on October 6th 2012! Hurray!

In terms of other plans, we've bounced a few ideas around here and there, but we have over a year to wedding plan... and I'll drive myself and my family crazy if I put too much energy into it now!

I'm going to the lake this weekend with my family- including my sister, who just got home from school. The family is all back together again- and will be all living in the same house this summer! Hurray/yikes;) jk jk. I'm so happy to have people to eat dinner with and talk to in person again:)

That's all for now! Time to go walk the doggies with my mamma! Hope you're doing well!
Reste cool!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I check in now and then. Glad to hear from you. Would love a link to your french blog or will it be under this one. I'd use google translate :)
